The knowledge of thermophysical properties of substances and mixtures is of utmost importance in development and design of almost every technical application. The germany based FVTR company operates a wide range of specialized measurement equipment as well as mathematical models to describe ideal and non-ideal behavior of various fluids.
Key Benefits for Your Product
- Precise measurement technique on scientific level
- Extended measurement range (p, T)
- Tailor-made models for your fluids
- In-house optimization algorithms ensuring accurate model parameters in short time
Interested in further information? Feel free to contact our experts. Together we will find a solution to your challenges.

Detailed Information

From Measuring…
Thermophysical properties are the basis for countless industrial research and optimization processes. The increasing number of synthetically produced substances as well as the combination of mixtures and extending operation ranges of fluids requires precise measurement of thermophysical properties. FVTR offers advanced measurement technique on scientific level. Many reviewed publications in the last decade and satisfied customers are a prove of this!…to Modeling!
Apart from measurement data we also support you in fitting the mathematical models describing the thermophysical behavior of your fluids. These models enable you to estimate properties precisely over a wide range without the need of any interpolation. We developed special optimization algorithms which provide a fast and accurate parametrization of various models describing ideal and also non-ideal behavior of several fluids and mixtures.Measurement Technique
Examined Substances
Examples for examined substances and mixtures are:- Fuels and lubricants
- Refrigerant mixtures
- Alcohols: methanol, ethanol, butanol
- Mixtures for absorption chillers / heat pumps
- Ionic liquids
- Sea water (salt content)
Calculation of Thermophysical Properties
Measured data enables us to calculate other thermophysical properties like:- Isothermal compressibilty
- Isobaric thermal expansibility
- Thermal pressure coefficient
- Internal pressure
- Isentropic coefficient